Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Things that matter

In the age of social media, stresses of work, hectic appointments, gym visits and the post-gym drinks at the pub it seems we may be interacting more than we ever have. Social media plays a large part in day to day life but have you thought about the value of those interactions and what they may mean for relationships. I mean, liking the picture of someone's cat perched on a windowsill wearing a knitted hat may seem to be being involved in your social circles, but is this a replacement for those moments where true feelings and emotions are shared? Something a presenter said at a conference last week resonated with me. 'If you haven't shared something today you haven't done a days' work'. He wasn't referring to sharing the latest viral video, he was referring to those times where we confide in people, open up our true feelings and ask others how they are feeling. If you break things down to the lowest level you learn what is important to you. In my own head, I think 'If there was a zombie apocalypse, who would I really care about and who would really care about me'. I don't know about you but I'm down to a hand full of people. It is those people who really matter in life - not your job, not money, nor items or consumables. If you have people that matter to you that much, tell them. Pick up the phone, send them a direct message or whatever, just make sure they know you care and make time just to spend with them. Often it's not until things start slipping away that we realise what is being lost. Sometimes it's already too late. I just hope I haven't left things too late but I guess I'm the only one who can change things for me..... It was my anniversary today and I didn't forget but I have to ask myself why I haven't made the time and had the conversations I used to with my loved one. 

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