Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lucky Dip

As the end of the year approaches (or the end of the world, if you listen to the various cults around the world) it's a time to reflect on what you've achieved; look forward to next year and a time to make plans and follow your dreams.. I've put together a number of images that I haven't sorted into any particular category that I've taken over the past year. I wouldn't say it's a reflection of the year but worthy of sharing.. :) Enjoy the holiday season and here's to an adventurous and happy new year!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Barnard Castle, County Durham

Barnard Castle is the main town in Teesdale. It takes it's name from the Castle which was built in Norman times and was used extensively during the 12th Century. The town itself is very picturesque and well worth a visit, especially on market days but I wandered around the castle and nearby river to grab the shots below. This set is a mixture of b&w and HDR. The mono shots are all conversions from colour RAW files and the HDR's are all taken using 3 exposures; 1.3 stops over and below & standard exposure.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bishop Auckland

I decided to take a trip to Bishop Auckland and have walk around the market place and Auckland Castle & grounds whilst the weather was nice at the weekend. I took advantage of the autumn colours and strong light to create a vibrant set of shots looking at the architecture and history of the area. Hope you enjoy...

The Town Hall in the centre of the Market Square

This shot is from the rear of the town hall with St Anne's church on the left

The Deer Houe in the two shots below was built in the 1800's to offer shelter to the Deer that roamed the Castle grounds.

The grounds around the Castle offer a pleasant walk, refferred to locally as 'The Bishop's Walk'

Just outside the entrance to the estate lie some cottages and the Clock Tower, leading to the estate.

If you'd like to purchase prints of any of the above images please drop me a line. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A more sombre approach

I'm not sure if it's just the change in the weather or the shorter days but I've been a bit meloncholic recently. Using more monochrome or capturing scenes of a more tranquil, or 'lonley' nature.
During the summer this is a hive of activity but during the cooler months all that can be heard is the gushing water and the odd Land Rover Defender passing by. (Below) Early morning mist providing an erie cover for the Cathedral in the background

Clearing mist reveals fisherman. I increased the red levels in this one to accentuate the dawn light and warm the scene a little
Desaturated this one a little to keep to simple tones and concentrate more on the leading lines

I'm a bit indecisive about this shot. I wanted to get the impression of being left behind by capturing people walking away into the distance.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Stopped on the way to work the other day to capture the Sun coming up. Beautiful Aumtumn Sunrise; hope there's lots more to come!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Flooding in Durham UK 2012

The North East of England was hit with flooding on a large scale this month. Many areas had roads closed and some houses and businesses were badly affected. The shots below are from Durham City. The River Wear begins in the Penines and runs through much of County Durham, via the city itself before reaching Sunderland. It floods almost anually. Prints of any of these are available if you'd like to get in touch.
Small car washed away... (top left of pic)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Graveyard Shift

Black and White

B&W or monochrome as it more popularly referred to at the moment, can give dramatic results. This is especially true if you have a very strong composition. Sometimes de-saturating your image can allow you to pick out the focus points where strong colours can cause a distraction. It was probably the best weather we've had for a long time the other morning so I dropped by a cemetary to try and catch some good light on my way to work.

Graveyards are a strange place to wander around but there are many people who find it fascinating to see the various sculptures and headstones. For a photographer they offer a place where you will probably not be disturbed and you can take your time setting up before taking advantage of all sorts of textures, contrast, decay etc etc.

Original and  (right) slight crop and b&w conversion

I really like the older areas of graveyards...

Some strong contrast and bold shapes lurking in the overgrown grass
Worn sculpture offering some 'soft' lines. Sepia used rather than staight forward b&w conversion

I like the way this has given the impression of a moonlit shot.


Green filter applied in Lightroom to make the grass softer and brighter