Saturday, March 21, 2015

Monochromatic City

Monochromatic City


This series of images looks at the way that a city deals with the conflict between aesthetic and functional design. In most large cities across the UK it is apparent that as both population and tastes have changed, so too has the design, materials and vision. Many of the unusual pathways, roads and public areas are a result of architects and town planners never-ending battle to make sure that these cities work for the people that live in them. In older cities we can see stairways that don't go anywhere, remains of ancient walls nestled below glass-fronted shopping centres and public areas with greenery that is only there by design. New buildings use the latest technologies to increase energy efficiency, maximise the use of space and drive down costs. The phrase 'they don't make them like they used to' certainly does apply to buildings but is this because historically, there was no other way? Would the great engineers have built things differently? and do modern designers and builders have the same passion for craftsmanship that seems to be synonymous with those from the turn of the century? all opinions to be discussed and reviewed again in another 100 years...